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UnderDog Diesel LML Duramax CP3 Conversion Bundle Kit w/ S&S Diesel Motorsport 14MM CP3
For use on Extreme Applications, up to 1200HP.
Shipping: This product cannot ship to California.
We had been putting together popular bundle kits with other kits for several years with different components to improve and provide the best & easiest install we possibly could.
We are proud to announce our own CP3 Conversion Kit!
Our kit includes
Billet Anodized CP3 Mounting Plate
O-Ring for the Mounting Plate to Engine Seal
1/2" Barbed Inlet Fitting
AN Return Line Fitting Kit
Low Pressure Line Routing Kit
9th Injector Plug
Rail Cap & Plug
Stainless High Pressure Fuel Line
Regulator Extension Harness
Optional Add-Ons
Fuel Feed Hose (For those retaining the factory fuel filter)
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