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UnderDog Diesel 2011-2016 GM 6.6L LML Duramax Coolant Bypass Kit
Downpipe Removal Required for Install, Recommend replacing with a Quality Aftermarket, such as PPE, WCFAB, MBRP.
Replace your leaking cheap 'Chinese' Kit hoses with our ultimate bypass solution.
The blue/black hoses in these cheap kits blow the brass crimps apart leaving you stranded.
UnderDog Diesel 2011-2016 LML Duramax Coolant Bypass Kit
Preformed rubber hose routes coolant from thermostat housing to firewall/heater core connection with WCFAB GM quick connect fitting.
Billet aluminum anodized plug installs into rear engine cover coolant port, allowing removal of the OEM coolant hard pipe.
Coolant Cap for Metal Hard Line
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